dimarts, 18 de desembre del 2012

TASK(1): Internet empowers people to make a better world

Internet empowers people to make a better world


Internet is the best form of being connected with people of different countries that you would never meet because of the distance.
Technology of today helps us fins any information on any topic and even to enjoy their particular uses.
These advantages became a problem when humanity manipulate their uses to make a personal profit of it.

I think Internet it's not the problem, but humanity.

Mankind tends to radical extremes,  and that means that, in the case of technology, tends to equating all its uses so that at the same time, without knowing it, they are destroying the product itself.
The big problem of the mankind is that we could not arrive at a perfect balance. A balance that enables us to enjoy the dinternet and uses of technology in general without this becoming the only priority in our life.
Therefore, you realize that the title of the editorial is totally acceptable and logic:
Internet can help people to create a better world, but the real question is whether humans can create a better world with technology.
Therefore, the question is not whether the Internet could help to improve our conditions,
But if we're able to manipulate this technology and transform it into a good deed for us.

dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2012

YOUR-SAY(3): Feeling like an elf in an absinthe cup

Feeling like an elf in an absinthe cup:

The first time I saw them was in the back seat of the car of Bobby The True, driving toward the neighborhood about three in the morning.
The True saw the look in the middle of the night. The electronic music of the car helped making the moment even more specially weird than before.

Absinthe's Green pearls were reflected in my eyes, and I almost felt the taste of the psychedelic potion through my tongue, and then in my esophagus and stomach, feeling sparking bubbles tapping me furiously inside me.
The quake moved by all the layers of the epidermis, bristling the hair of the most superficial skin of my body.

I felt the peculiar odor of the alcohol pass through my nose, and then passing through my lungs.
The lungs' blood gotten the smell, and that blood went through my head making the block of my mind because he don't recognized the indescribable aroma.

The shock of the first minutes waned when I realized that the most interesting of all was not knowing how to describe those absinthe's green pearls that appeared in front of me.

And curiosity took over my body, examining everything I saw:
Green stretched before my eyes.
And I could not stop swimming at the mossy river; I could not stop stroking that colorful frog of intense green; I could not stop to observe the different green shades that moved as a loop in which I couldn't go out.

And I felt an inmense admiration for that perfection that stretched ahead of mine.
And enthusiasm at being able to participate in that beauty as a secondary character.
And this enthusiasm was seen in my eyes: the green potion with its hieratic smile wanted me closer at me.

And when I approached slowly, I felt my body sparking: bubbes smote at all my skin.
And I turned green.

dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

YOUR-SAY(2): Describing a saeglópur

Describing Sæglópur

A woman is watching the calm blue sea while a skinny silhouette is dancing through the water.
Immersing slowly in the depths while the wind touches the hair of the woman with the imperceptible colorful dress.
The skinny silhouette disappears slowly.

Within the water, everything is different: the previous tranquility is transformed into a desperation when she sees the darkness of the underwater world.
Even so, it is beautiful.

The girl moves her skinny legs, swimming trying to endure a breathing that is running low.
Some monstruous and blackish tentacles coming out of nowhere trap the girl's foot.
But she can escape.

She not stop swimming even knowing that she may not go very far away... The seagrass trap her.
She looks panicked until she tired her body, feeling her heavy breathing.
She fades.

Suddenly, a light appears through the darkness: it's a diver illuminated by the light of the moon.

He save the girl and takes her to the surface, near the woman with the imperceptible colorful dress, who this time jumps into the water to retrieve the skinny silhouette who previously ventured safely to the sea.

Do you think that is a metaphorical video?

YOUR-SAY(1): Born slippy...

Born slippy:

The first time I listened to this song was at Emma's house.
We're lying on a bed covered with clothers, cigarettes, socks and some unidentified entity, smoking bored, speaking of weird thoughts and paranoias.
Emma decided to watch the movie Transpotting because i had never seen it before, and I was so ill of everyone saying "that was like a transpotting scene" or "I feel like a transpotting character".
So, we decided to watch the popular movie.

The movie changed the boring afternoon by another focused on mental concentration and reflection.
Mixed with black humor and irony (details that did increase the quality of the movie).

The story featured a multitude of complex characters involved in a web of drugs and search of identity. But above all, search of individual happiness.

The song of Underworld appeared in the last minutes of the story, with the long monologue of the principal character.
A monologue that is the key to understand that the film has a cyclical external structure equal.
But at this time, the character has been changing in this society that appears to be the same.

The individual change in a society that will not change her course ever.
The importance of individual happiness on a cruel society that will not realise their mistakes although you do numerous "hunger vagues"...

Go countercurrent doesn't change society.
Go countercurrent makes no happier.

dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2012

NEWS(6): Picture-news behind the world

BBC: Week in pictures
Russian nationalists cover their faces as they walk in a smog
I our day to day we don't realize the social injustices that give out in our world.
We live in a daily rutine, without thinking about the life of the others (who cares?)
The images that are displayed in the link are only of one week in different places of different countries and states.
What would happen if we join all relevant images of one year?

When you look at the pictures, you saw injustice, falsety, cruelty and machism also.

The image of one asian hotel guide girl that was looking at a paramilitary police with admiration,
a smog covering a demonstration of russian nationalists, the damages that caused the Sandy in New Jersey, ....

But when I looked all of this photos, I stay in one:
A image of riders walking throught the ocean while the sunset.

This make me smile a little bit after watch all this bad photos that reflected the world crisi...

After all, there are small moments of happiness.
The only thing is to find them.

NEWS(5): a clone to feel... oneself?

BBC: "Build clones to relieve us from boredom"

I was really disgusted to be part of the human race
when I read this headline
and the question that I went through my mind was:
is it really necessary to make a clone?
I started to laugh the question since the answer was totally obvious
a totally ridiculous answer for a pathetic question, I think...
I don't know who was the enlightened that one day, after drink his cup of coffee on the morining, thought:

"Hey! let's go to clone ourselves! It will be so cool"

I don't think this have no utility.
I think that if they do that is to show to that
the humans are so powerful and superior than the other species.
and the only thing they are showing is, once again, his stupidity.

diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2012

NEWS(4): "Charismnazist"

BBC: His dark charisma
Montage of Adolf Hitler images

If always felt so surprised when I think of all the people who admired Adolf Hitler, the dictator of one of the most cruel and sadist movement that exist in the world: the nacism.

The truth is that Adolf Hitler was an intelligent man. A bad man inside his brain, but also intelligent. (If always think that there are a differences between bad and mad men)

Adolf Hitler was noted for his ease of making effective speeches for masses.

He always arrived late so people got nervous and had more desire to listen to his speeches.

And then, when he finally arrived, he looked to the public and dared to make a few minutes of silence after the people quiet (there was a good method for people to really believe he was going to say very important things...)
He began to speak very slowly, stopping occasionally to observe his audience. He also talked very low so people can focus more on listening his speech.

As the speech progressed, he began to turn up the volume and his words became stronger and more forceful.

This attitude was broadcast in people watching it and  they actually believed that he felt what he said.
And that he would really save Germany....

The result was wrong.

NEWS(3): Future thinking

BBC:  Is world peace possible?

People who think that peace is possible in a world dominate by humans are or incredibly deluded or incredibly human
(okey, It's impossible to supress my sarcasm with these issues that affect me in the deepest of inside me... I adquired a hatred that one day was a sadness because of the world bad situations...)

The text refers to the wars.
How can stop the wars in the world to reach an absolute peace?

But I don't think of wars. Because wars are created by the avaricie of the human. And war is only one bad thing of world that have multiple bad things.

And it's for this reason that I prefer to talk of the malice of the human.

First, when I was young, I thought the malice was only in the body of a few people of the world.
Then, when I grow up, I changed my mind. I realize that the malice was inside the body of a lot of people, but my goal was to find people who lacked this evil.

But with the passage of the time, I realized that we all have this evil part inside us.
We all are mad and evil because it's the nature of the human being.

And we cannot change the nature of things.
We cannot fight against ourselves.

divendres, 9 de novembre del 2012

NEWS(2): High Colorado

BBC: Colorado medical marijuana-sellers aim high
It's curious but today I just found news talking about human pain!
But this case is so different than the case of Steve and his genetic disease....

Lori Stocker is a woman that suffers from a strange nerve disease that causes to her a lot of pain in his body... Nowadays, there isn't a cure for it and she felt so bad everyday in her life.

And she found a medical marijuana that helped her to feel more relaxed and to not feel so much pain. Naturally, she did not remove her the pain immediately, but it made her feel more quiet and more happy instead!

She found that medical and legal marijuana in Colorado (she's resident in Denver) one of the states in the United States that currently allow the use of this "drug".
And there are many dispensaries that sell Lori Stocker's medication.

These places sell not only medicinal drugs, but also they offer sessions of acupuncture, yoga, massage, etc.

Personally, I think it's a good choice to sell medicinal marijuana to help people like Lori Stocker, who would have suffered much pain in her life if it had not been for this plant.

I think that marijuana it's a plant. A plant with a lot of uses.

I know cases of older people that use marijuana to feel more relaxed and good with theirselves, and I also know people who use it for gastronomies purposes, and even to smoke it.

That makes them "junkies" or "criminals"? I think not.
Is Lori Stocker a junkie only because she use marijuana to feel less pain? I think not.
Are these older people a criminals to do infusions with this plant? I think not.

They are different to the people who smoke it with another trash creating real drugs like hachis and others...

NEWS(1): chewing off half my tongue without pain?..

BBC: Why pain is a necessity

 I felt a feeling of confusion when I read the title: A man say that he chewed off half of his tongue?
Only to imagine it, i felt goosegumps. And I decided to read the news.

It was the case of Steve Pete, a thirty-something-years old man that has a genetic disorder called analgesia. It consist in no feeling pain in your body (so when you fall down and cut your leg, you don't feel the pain, for exemple).

The first thing that I thought was "Oh, cool! the pain is a negative thing so... If you don't feel it, it's excellent"

When I started to read more about the story of Steve Pete, I felt bad.
Because I felt like an hypocritical person.

Steve Pete talk about when he was a child and he broke a leg without realizing it (because of his analgesia). And he continued playing with his friends and his broken leg!
It was a masterprice gore scene, I think...

Only to think how much Steve Pete should suffer during his childhood and adolescence (He spended the half of his life in hospitals, being in different schools,...)

Now, Steve Pete collabore in a new exibition at the Science Museum in London to talk about his experience with analgesia.

The news talk about another case of a man that feels the pain in a limb that is no longer there!
Peter King, a man of about fifty years old amputated his left arm twenty years ago, and now, he is feeling his arm instead it isn't in his body!

When I finish to read this cases, I felt happy of living as healthily well...

dissabte, 3 de novembre del 2012

YOUR-SAY(3): "I'm a Ken doll in a plastic world"

The GOAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY: I'm a Ken doll in a plastic world

Justin Jedlica is a clear example of how superficiality is essential in a society full of prejudice and falsehood.
With more than ninety operations throughout his body, this boy doesn't want to stop to making tweaks because he wants to be the alive and real image of the doll called Ken (friend of the famous Barbie doll).

Sometime I think deeply to understand what have in their minds people like him.

It's sad to see how the people care about what the others think, and what the society in general think (when I talk about society, I talk about the fashion industries, the malefic television, and the cruel and shredders magazines...)

It's sad to see a Holocaust of beautiful and innocent girls who would give her life for being one more piece of meat to sold in magazines.

It's sad to see intelligent women who dedicate their efforts and their intelligence to think how to slim "X" pounds every day without regaining it after a month.

But the most sad think is the hipocrite people that say "Oh, what a society" when they saw videos like this and then they are the people who criticize and torture the others.
An "others" that will be converted all of them in an obsessed by their physical.

dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2012

TASK(3): "We can't live without humour"

"We can't live without humour"

We need to think about the concept humour to defense or refuse this sentence, because what seems to say the word Humour?

I think there's a lot of definitions for humour because there are multiple types of humour:
like sarcasm, silly humour,

YOUR-SAY(2): Enjoy a silence

Enjoy a silence:

My mother always tells me that I have to enjoy more of silences when rarely appear...
Strangely, I hate the silences.
I've always hated them since I use the reason.
For this reason, I always slept with the television, or study with music.

The silence breaks my ears (impressive paradox).
When there is silence I am alone with myself and with my mind, and I'm beginning to think too of the account.

When there was silence, I am raising questions that cannot be resolved and which cannot be explained with words to other people. So I feel powerless.

I remember that when I was little and I was trying to sleep at night, I used to count the pieces of light
that came out of my roller shutter's blind holes.
From there, I started to think overnight about life and the world.

But next to the questions appeared more questions, and I wanted to resolve them. And I remember that I cried because I wanted to sleep but I could not stop thinking.

It caused me many problems in my childhood.
But suddenly I realized that the only time that I was not thinking about this questions and about bad things was when I was next to nature.

It seems silly but, there, the silence is different from the others.
It's a calming silence. As if I were in the correct habitat.

And I learned to enjoy the correct silences.

And it's for this reason that, when I saw this video for the first time, I felt comforted.

YOUR-SAY(1): Strange girl... or unhappy people?

Strange girl... or unhappy people?

One day, I was watching videos on youtube, looking old songs of 80's (which I personally adore) and, searching, I found this video.
The title impress me a lot: A girl dancing alone.

Normally people dance alone or in group but always in an atmosphere which is "appropiate" or "socially accepted" (like a pub, disco, or even in the friends' houses, parties,...).

I started watching the video: And I saw a woman dancing alone on a street in Las Vegas.
Some of the people of her around looked at her with a bad face, others laughted at her thinking: "one more mad person doing mad things".

I smiled.
Because from that moment I admired that woman.
I felt an strangly happy and carefree aura wrapping her.
And I felt envy.

Because after all, we come to the world to be live our lifes and to be happy.
Not an absolute and permanent happiness as some say ( happiness like a goal). Because for me, happiness are in some moments. Usually, few moments only.... but moments.
And we must appreciate and make the most of these moments.

And this woman did it.
She was like: "Oh, this one of the songs that I like. Well, so let's dance it".

And this is gesture, as a metaphor, we would have to do.

"We would dance a little more"

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

TASK(2): "Youth is the most important thing in the world"

"Youth is the most important thing in the world"


The sentence seems to say that the superficiality of the human it's the only important thing that interests in this world. And in fact, in some way, it's true.

As a rule, the society only cares about the looking of the people, the face that people show to the others to feel accepted or to seem perfect.

Oscar Wilde shows that even if you have a good looking, you can be evil and bad in your inside.
And you have to determinate what face is more important to you: the face that you show to people, or the face that you really have and you always hide.

If you have evil inside, you can hide it to the others with a beautiful face. Nevertheless, evil still here.

That's why you are not only lying to the others. You're lying to yourself too.
It's a slow suicide in life.


dimecres, 19 de setembre del 2012

TASK(1): Dreams

I thought most of the people have dreamed about a perfect life with a perfect family and a perfect job...  My objective in this life is not to be perfect, but happy.

I'm named redhead by my friends, Lena by my family, but in the identity card
I'm Helena Fernandez Goy.
The truth is that I always prefer to be named Helena.
Helena it's a name of Greek mythology, but another truth is that I don't
resemble anything to the beautiful woman of Troya.
But I always thought that I really had something of the ancient Greeks:
This analytical mind, extreme sensitivity, perfectionism and curiosity for the
world around me.

Also undecided is an adjective applied, cause I'm in second of Batxillerat
and I don't have idea of what I'm going to do in a "future".
I never throught about my future: or I thought much.
Now I'm even more disoriented than before.

My plan for now is ending the batxillerat and feel the freedom on my
shoulders. A half-freedom for a time.
I'm sure that after the batxillerat, I would do selectivity to feel proud
of myself.

I don't imagine myself in the university, but I know that probably it would be
my reality after the selectivity.

I always thought that I was born to travel.

I know that the people when hear it think that I'm stupid or something
similar... That's because they don't know what travel is.
They think that travel is only a hobbie. A simple hobbie or a entertainment
to not spend summers on the couch watching Salvame Deluxe.

But for me, is more than this. Well, for me isn't it at all.

Now, I would like to see me in Calgary, looking for the main road,
ready to walk for hours to reach Banff, and feel the cold in my hands.

Then, Rocky Mountains or Alberta; visiting Jasper and their Twin Lakes
and the miette river.

Walking without knowing where I'll sleep today.
Sleep not knowing where I'll be tomorrow.
Knowing people who I never would have known if I had not walked.

Feeling accomplished.

Again, feel the cold in my hands.
And the happiness.