dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

TASK(2): "Youth is the most important thing in the world"

"Youth is the most important thing in the world"


The sentence seems to say that the superficiality of the human it's the only important thing that interests in this world. And in fact, in some way, it's true.

As a rule, the society only cares about the looking of the people, the face that people show to the others to feel accepted or to seem perfect.

Oscar Wilde shows that even if you have a good looking, you can be evil and bad in your inside.
And you have to determinate what face is more important to you: the face that you show to people, or the face that you really have and you always hide.

If you have evil inside, you can hide it to the others with a beautiful face. Nevertheless, evil still here.

That's why you are not only lying to the others. You're lying to yourself too.
It's a slow suicide in life.


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