dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2012

NEWS(6): Picture-news behind the world

BBC: Week in pictures
Russian nationalists cover their faces as they walk in a smog
I our day to day we don't realize the social injustices that give out in our world.
We live in a daily rutine, without thinking about the life of the others (who cares?)
The images that are displayed in the link are only of one week in different places of different countries and states.
What would happen if we join all relevant images of one year?

When you look at the pictures, you saw injustice, falsety, cruelty and machism also.

The image of one asian hotel guide girl that was looking at a paramilitary police with admiration,
a smog covering a demonstration of russian nationalists, the damages that caused the Sandy in New Jersey, ....

But when I looked all of this photos, I stay in one:
A image of riders walking throught the ocean while the sunset.

This make me smile a little bit after watch all this bad photos that reflected the world crisi...

After all, there are small moments of happiness.
The only thing is to find them.

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