dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2012

NEWS(5): a clone to feel... oneself?

BBC: "Build clones to relieve us from boredom"

I was really disgusted to be part of the human race
when I read this headline
and the question that I went through my mind was:
is it really necessary to make a clone?
I started to laugh the question since the answer was totally obvious
a totally ridiculous answer for a pathetic question, I think...
I don't know who was the enlightened that one day, after drink his cup of coffee on the morining, thought:

"Hey! let's go to clone ourselves! It will be so cool"

I don't think this have no utility.
I think that if they do that is to show to that
the humans are so powerful and superior than the other species.
and the only thing they are showing is, once again, his stupidity.

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