dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

YOUR-SAY(2): Describing a saeglópur

Describing Sæglópur

A woman is watching the calm blue sea while a skinny silhouette is dancing through the water.
Immersing slowly in the depths while the wind touches the hair of the woman with the imperceptible colorful dress.
The skinny silhouette disappears slowly.

Within the water, everything is different: the previous tranquility is transformed into a desperation when she sees the darkness of the underwater world.
Even so, it is beautiful.

The girl moves her skinny legs, swimming trying to endure a breathing that is running low.
Some monstruous and blackish tentacles coming out of nowhere trap the girl's foot.
But she can escape.

She not stop swimming even knowing that she may not go very far away... The seagrass trap her.
She looks panicked until she tired her body, feeling her heavy breathing.
She fades.

Suddenly, a light appears through the darkness: it's a diver illuminated by the light of the moon.

He save the girl and takes her to the surface, near the woman with the imperceptible colorful dress, who this time jumps into the water to retrieve the skinny silhouette who previously ventured safely to the sea.

Do you think that is a metaphorical video?

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