dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2012

YOUR-SAY(1): Strange girl... or unhappy people?

Strange girl... or unhappy people?

One day, I was watching videos on youtube, looking old songs of 80's (which I personally adore) and, searching, I found this video.
The title impress me a lot: A girl dancing alone.

Normally people dance alone or in group but always in an atmosphere which is "appropiate" or "socially accepted" (like a pub, disco, or even in the friends' houses, parties,...).

I started watching the video: And I saw a woman dancing alone on a street in Las Vegas.
Some of the people of her around looked at her with a bad face, others laughted at her thinking: "one more mad person doing mad things".

I smiled.
Because from that moment I admired that woman.
I felt an strangly happy and carefree aura wrapping her.
And I felt envy.

Because after all, we come to the world to be live our lifes and to be happy.
Not an absolute and permanent happiness as some say ( happiness like a goal). Because for me, happiness are in some moments. Usually, few moments only.... but moments.
And we must appreciate and make the most of these moments.

And this woman did it.
She was like: "Oh, this one of the songs that I like. Well, so let's dance it".

And this is gesture, as a metaphor, we would have to do.

"We would dance a little more"

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