dimarts, 12 de març del 2013

YOUR-SAY(1):My story with the supposed revolutionary Che Guevara

My Story with the supposed revolutionary Che Guevara:Although Che Guevara is an extremely famous character, I never really got into know about him.
And recently,
I felt the obligation to read about him.

One day while leaving classes, I saw a guy of first ESO wearing a t-shirt with Che Guevara's face on it.
And I start to think: Would he know what Che Guevara represents? Would he know that he's wearing a t-shirt with the face of a person that represents a way of seeing the world, and ideology, a thinking?
And then, I realized that I couldn't think that if neither I really knew who was che guevara: I I knew that was an argentine communist who fought to make his country a place not habited by the rich that make tax havens while the poor were starving to death; but I was interested to know more about him.
Is he considerated a revolutionary? Or is he made of marketing?

I started with the most easy way: look for information on internet. And I realize that was the choice more complicated.
There was a lot of sites on internet: I started to find information on the Wikipedia but I couldn't find the type of information that I was looking for. I wasn't looking for information about what he had done, because of that I've already reported before.
I was looking about his personality, his values, his real ideology, his thinkings. Because you can do acts to avail and to have a certain image, but then having very different thoughts (I was thinking in Manuel Fraga, that start to do democratic things for our country when he had franquist thinkings)

I realized that was a lot of debates relacionated with Che Guevara: Some people sayed that Che was a revolutionary that pretend to do good things to his country that he loved to much; and some other people sayed that Che was a killer because he must to kill a lot of people to make possible a country like he wanted.

I start to felt a pain inside of me when I knew that Che Guevara killed so many people, and I started to doubt.
I thought he really was a revolutionary, but then the opinions that was a killer mingled in my arguments.

And I thought that would be a good idea to ask to known people.
My mother told me all the story with all the tints of it. He believed in his ideals, and he was in favour of the country people and not of the upper class.
Logically, he wasn't alone in this mission. He was with Fidel Castro and other revolutionaries that thinked that they must do a Communist Government better for the country and that's all.

But, Che Guevara hoped to change other South American countries, he wanted to expand his ideals so that there are no more oppressed countries. And that was his fail; or his most courageous act that marked by the history of mankind.
They killed him because he tried to go too far.
Surely the murderers were the Americans, who couldn't tolerate this man to do the same in other countries controlled by them.

Surely that they put him a limit. And he didn't understand of limits. The limits weren't in his ideology. There was no limits for him. There was only Che Guevara and his ideals.
And he died, but not his ideals.

Finally, I understood the story; but I was thinking of the word "Killer". Even.

And I tried to talk to my father.

My father's family were republicans. The father of my grandfather was the mayor of a town in andalusia and put him in prison for being republican in the Franco era and the civil war. Then, my grandfather with ten or eleven years, hid in a cave for years, along with the "maquis".
My grandfather given a day to my father a keychain with the face of Che.
And I thought that would be a good idea to talk to my father.

He sayed to me that is so difficult to make a revolutionary act without kill people, and Che was not a exception.
He explained to me the same as my mother, and then I ask to him:
"But, he was really a revolutionary? Or he was a farce?"
My father is not religious, and in fact has a hatred of everything related to Catholicism and the Catholic Church, but he told to me that Che Guevara was like Jesus Christ. And I understood what he mean.
If we have in mind that Jesus was a simple man with revolutionary ideals in his time and not a superior man with divine powers (as it made us believe the Church), we can compare him to Che Guevara.
He wanted to convey his ideals of respect and tolerance to the people. Until the powerful men who saw that their ideology was growing popularity not interested them, and they killed him.

He was a man. A simply man. Like Che Guevara.
With his defects, and his peculiarities, and his good things. But a man, after all.

So, with the pass of the time, the figure of Jesus was covered by a multitude of fabrics full of lies and superstition:
they started to say that he not respected women, that he wanted us to gave wealth to the Church, that we had to think like him, that he could heal the sick and he could restore the sight to a blind.
To attract the attention of the crowd, they invented these atrocities, because a simply man is not interessant.

They do the same with Che Guevara.
Fidel Castro created the idealized image of che guevara as a Messiah because in this way fidel castro were benefiting from that (marketing, the image of the country, the myth,...)

But after all, Che Guevara was another man that wanted to change the world. And that failed in the appearance,
but he triumph inside:
He inspired and he will inspire "simple men" with revolutionary thoughts that will leave their grain of sand in the history of humanity.

And this, for me, is revolutionary.
The true revolution.



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