dimarts, 30 d’octubre del 2012

TASK(3): "We can't live without humour"

"We can't live without humour"

We need to think about the concept humour to defense or refuse this sentence, because what seems to say the word Humour?

I think there's a lot of definitions for humour because there are multiple types of humour:
like sarcasm, silly humour,

YOUR-SAY(2): Enjoy a silence

Enjoy a silence:

My mother always tells me that I have to enjoy more of silences when rarely appear...
Strangely, I hate the silences.
I've always hated them since I use the reason.
For this reason, I always slept with the television, or study with music.

The silence breaks my ears (impressive paradox).
When there is silence I am alone with myself and with my mind, and I'm beginning to think too of the account.

When there was silence, I am raising questions that cannot be resolved and which cannot be explained with words to other people. So I feel powerless.

I remember that when I was little and I was trying to sleep at night, I used to count the pieces of light
that came out of my roller shutter's blind holes.
From there, I started to think overnight about life and the world.

But next to the questions appeared more questions, and I wanted to resolve them. And I remember that I cried because I wanted to sleep but I could not stop thinking.

It caused me many problems in my childhood.
But suddenly I realized that the only time that I was not thinking about this questions and about bad things was when I was next to nature.

It seems silly but, there, the silence is different from the others.
It's a calming silence. As if I were in the correct habitat.

And I learned to enjoy the correct silences.

And it's for this reason that, when I saw this video for the first time, I felt comforted.

YOUR-SAY(1): Strange girl... or unhappy people?

Strange girl... or unhappy people?

One day, I was watching videos on youtube, looking old songs of 80's (which I personally adore) and, searching, I found this video.
The title impress me a lot: A girl dancing alone.

Normally people dance alone or in group but always in an atmosphere which is "appropiate" or "socially accepted" (like a pub, disco, or even in the friends' houses, parties,...).

I started watching the video: And I saw a woman dancing alone on a street in Las Vegas.
Some of the people of her around looked at her with a bad face, others laughted at her thinking: "one more mad person doing mad things".

I smiled.
Because from that moment I admired that woman.
I felt an strangly happy and carefree aura wrapping her.
And I felt envy.

Because after all, we come to the world to be live our lifes and to be happy.
Not an absolute and permanent happiness as some say ( happiness like a goal). Because for me, happiness are in some moments. Usually, few moments only.... but moments.
And we must appreciate and make the most of these moments.

And this woman did it.
She was like: "Oh, this one of the songs that I like. Well, so let's dance it".

And this is gesture, as a metaphor, we would have to do.

"We would dance a little more"

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

TASK(2): "Youth is the most important thing in the world"

"Youth is the most important thing in the world"


The sentence seems to say that the superficiality of the human it's the only important thing that interests in this world. And in fact, in some way, it's true.

As a rule, the society only cares about the looking of the people, the face that people show to the others to feel accepted or to seem perfect.

Oscar Wilde shows that even if you have a good looking, you can be evil and bad in your inside.
And you have to determinate what face is more important to you: the face that you show to people, or the face that you really have and you always hide.

If you have evil inside, you can hide it to the others with a beautiful face. Nevertheless, evil still here.

That's why you are not only lying to the others. You're lying to yourself too.
It's a slow suicide in life.
