dimarts, 7 de maig del 2013


1.My english progress from 2011-2013:

The truth is that I don't see a great evolution in my writing: I finish speaking
always of the same topics that cause me repulsion and anger; social topics, current issues.

I think that I have respected fairly well the structure of writings, having enough
coherence despite the fact that my English is low.

One problem I have is that I usually write always in the same way
(different themes, but in the same way; it's my style you could say..) and
that makes that don't use connectors on many occasions (Moreover, however...).

Talking about communication, I think that I introduce the reason why
I make a your-say in every written. In fact, in all the your-Say I say my
opinion on a particular topic (in this sense you could say that I am somewhat

I seem to recall that I use rhetorical questions to close enough of my
your-says, because what I do is that the reader reflects a little on what I
said. I only do the shoes, and the reader has to know what to do with them:
If you leave them or wear them for walking.

As you can see I also use many metaphors which are pretty ridiculous, but
that I used to ilustrate any phrase that I find relevant.
Sometimes, instead of putting ask rhetoric, I've used the resource of
final ideas: simple phrases that summarize the entire text.

The truth is that I never have back up my opinions with experts directly, but I
often dedicate all my your-say to people that have marked me or who I believe

that they are a trace of light among the darkness.
I use perfect and continuous tenses, and on many occasions the
conditionals (and rarely the passives).
I try to check each your-say the possible errors, that's why a just your-say give me

lot of work and I spend much time.

One of my hobbies enough freaks is to look for interesting words in
the dictionary, since if only used my basic English, my editors would be
worse still. So I'm pleased to occasionally put an accurate word
extracted from the dictionary.
I use a strange register because it's not formal and also it isn't informal
(it seems to me that I've never insults in my your-says, I like to criticize with
subtlety; I don't see the grace to put offensive words, I prefer the resource of the
irony). I guess that I use a standard register.

The truth is that I repeat enough words already, because I write what I get from my
"soul" (finely said...) and I don't apply the learned vocabulary.
My writings are made with lots of adjectives, since I like to describe
people, situations and experiences. I like that the reader will form images
in his mind.

About the oral presentations, I have to say that my old oral presentations were better.
As the time passed, I realized my bad accent, and that pulls me back.
I don't compare me with other people, because I'm quite individualistic in
some senses, and by that I just fixed in me: and I have a
bad accent, and if you have in mind my extreme perfectionism, I finally
I think that my accent is not bad, is terrible.

Even so, I think I've done some other good presentation last year,
especially when I talked about Japan (which I'm passionate about since childhood) and the
different districts and interesting and curious streets that comprise it.
I do fluid movements when I go into confidence in the oral presentation, and I always
look directly into the eyes of who is watching me.

I display clear introductory or closing remarks, and I have a little use of markers.
I pretend to explain interesting, new and relevant information to the people, but my accent lowers

the quality of the information. I want to convey.
I repeate some vocabulary, and I use basic grammar simple like tense and the verb to be and have.

Definitely, I believe that I've actually learned much more vocabulary, but I tend to put
always the same expressions by custom. I just need to not be so impulsive and
review me more the things to be able to introduce the learned words that I have hidden in
my mind, waiting to come out.

2.My english competence:

-Best written evidences from 2013: "Feeling like an elf in an absinthe cup"

" The first time I saw them was in the back seat of the car of Bobby The True, driving toward the neighborhood
about three in the morning.
The True saw the look in the middle of the night. The electronic music of the car helped making the moment even

 more specially weird than before.

Absinthe's Green pearls were reflected in my eyes, and I almost felt the taste of the psychedelic potion through my

 tongue, and then in my esophagus and stomach, feeling sparking bubbles tapping me furiously inside me.
The quake moved by all the layers of the epidermis, bristling the hair of the most superficial skin of my body.

I felt the peculiar odor of the alcohol pass through my nose, and then passing through my lungs.
The lungs' blood gotten the smell, and that blood went through my head making the block of my mind

because he don't recognized the indescribable aroma.
The shock of the first minutes waned when I realized that the most interesting of all was not knowing how to

describe those absinthe's green pearls that appeared in front of me.And curiosity took over my body, examining everything I saw:
Green stretched before my eyes.
And I could not stop swimming at the mossy river; I could not stop stroking that colorful frog of intense green;

I could not stop to observe the different green shades that moved as a loop in which I couldn't go out.

And I felt an inmense admiration for that perfection that stretched ahead of mine.
And enthusiasm at being able to participate in that beauty as a secondary character.
And this enthusiasm was seen in my eyes: the green potion with its hieratic smile wanted me closer at me.

And when I approached slowly, I felt my body sparking: bubbes smote at all my skin.
And I turned green. "

I don't remember why I wrote this type of your-say, so different from the others, but I think that is the best of mine.
It's so paranoid, strange, yet quite beautiful. I had my creative stage that day, surely.
I remember that I wanted to do a different writing so the reader could feel how feel the character.
I wanted the lector feeling the "Absinthe" through his body while he read.
I want to say that the Absinthe is a metaphor. Each one can imagine what they want.

-Best written evidences from 2012: "A realistic description"

" She's like a renaissance woman who reflects the perfection in the art: She's like an angel who never
 gets old or ugly for the disasters of a complicated life.

Her eyes are the first thing you see when you're in front of her:
Her deepest bright-blue eyes that seem to be a light that illuminates the darkness in the world where

you life.

Her long-phoenix hair leaves you without words: yellow, red and orange colours are mixed on this

soft hair that I usually touch to feel better with my soul.
She's got white skin, and when she smiles, her cheeks turn red.

When she smiles, her lips form a line because she doesn't like to be sensitive.
She doesn't like to say sweet or silly word becauseshe prefers to demostrate her love with acts.
And she shows it to me everyday of my life.
She's the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

She's my mother. "

I've always describe my mother when the teacher wants us to make a description.
And I think that this is the best
that I made. I was watching my mother (inside my mind) while I was writing.
I was thinking in her smile, her laugh, and her beauty.
I tried this your-say because reflect the love that I feel for my mother, and because she must be in my english blog: Without my mother,I wouldn't be carrying well the studies and I hadn't supported this world.

I think that this is the last time that I'm going to write in an english blog from INS Castelló d'Empuries (or I hope this, because I don't want to repeat).
And I don't know what to say now. I don't like the goodbyes, because they are like a crappy hollywood movie. And I don't like crappy hollywood movie.

I just want to say thank you.
Because thank you is a good thing to say.
And it's more good when you feel it.


1 comentari:

  1. thank you, dear Helena for your inspiring topics, your undying concern for the world problems and your creative, personal writing style, which I hope you never change for the boring, structured connectors we learnt together in class.
    People like you simple make the world a better place to live in. It's been a pleasure! So long! :)))
